AI is being used today to improve the ability of organizations to defend themselves. It is also being used by adversaries seeking advantage. The age-old game of attack vs defense continues. But something is different now. Organizations are finding that
their AI solutions need special protections. AI needs to be developed in the most secure manner possible. Adversaries who can access training data can manipulate it to drive outcomes of machine learning. Algorithms themselves must also be protected.
Many AI solutions have been shown to be biased and/or bigoted. And in some cases, the solutions will generate results that are unexplainable, making security and compliance even more complicated.
Wednesday, October 23
Beacon Hill
7:30 am Registration Open
8:00 Continental Breakfast (Harborview Foyer)
9:00 – 12:00 pm AI World Executive Summit
12:00 Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
1:15 Opening Remarks: When AI Goes Wrong
Bob Gourley, Co-Founder and CTO, OODA LLC
1:25 Fireside Chat: The Future AI Threats (and what to do about them)
This “fireside chat” style discussion will feature Bobbie Stempfley of Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute, where she heads perhaps the most highly regarded and famous CERT in the security ecosystem. She has a deep background in enterprise grade cybersecurity, having created capabilities for this at DoD and DHS. This session will highlight her thoughts on early thinking on verification and validation of AI solutions, concepts of vulnerabilties in this space, requirements for drift monitoring for models and early foundational constructs on how to build AI capabilities right the first time.
Moderator: Bob Gourley, Co-Founder and CTO, OODA LLC
Bobbie Stempfley, CERT Division, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
2:00 Scoping the AI Threat to National Security
Pablo Breuer, Director of US Special Operations Command Donovan Group and Senior Military Advisor and Innovation Officer, SOFWERX
One of the nation’s strategic thinkers in national security in the Information Age will provide insights of use to the broader AI community.
2:15 AI Based Solutions for Finance/FinTech/Counter-Fraud
Amyn Dhala, Vice President - Global Head of Product, AI Express, Mastercard
This session provides insights from a practitioner who has leveraged AI to create solutions in financial services covering fraud, credit risk and customer lifecycle management.
2:35 Refreshment Break (Cityview Foyer & Harbor Level Atrium)
2:55 Panel: Due Diligence on AI Companies
The venture capital community continuously seeks new businesses and entrepreneurs to support. Private equity continuously seeks firms to invest in or buy. In both cases, experts are increasingly encountering AI solutions that can be hard to assess. This
session provides expert advice from professionals with direct experience in value creation and assessment in technology firms. Our selected panelists have exceptionally deep experience in cybersecurity firms and have been tracking the rise of AI for
years, making them well positioned to advise both companies and investors on ways to maximize value. Attendees will learn first-hand what to do now to better position an AI-centric business for future investment or a future sale.
Moderator: Bob Gourley, Co-Founder and CTO, OODA
JC Raby, Co-founder and Partner, Boston Meridian Partners
Maria Lewis Kussmaul, Founding Partner, Investment Banking, AGC Partners
Kapil Raina, Chair and Founder, AI Security Alliance
3:35 Technologies of AI Security
Bob Gourley, Co-Founder and CTO, OODA LLC
The ethics, security, and compliance of enterprise AI is one of the hottest topics in AI today. Many enterprises are slowing deployment of AI solutions because of uncertainties around the ability to deploy AI. There are solutions; however, this is a fast
moving, rapidly changing marketplace. This session provides a rapid review of what appears to be the most promising technologies in AI security, ethics, and compliance today.
4:10 Session Break
4:20 Plenary Keynote Panel (Harborview)
5:00 Grand Opening Reception in the Expo (Commonwealth Hall)
6:30 Attendee Roundtable Discussion & Meetup Groups
7:30 Close of Day