Artificial intelligence applications impact all business functions from HR and finance to R&D and sales. Real enterprise practitioners speak about methodologies and approaches to integrating machine learning, deep learning and intelligent technologies
into their line of business functions. Industry thought leadership is conveyed through use cases and innovative business strategies. What works and what doesn’t.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
7:45 am Registration Open
8:20 am - 12:00 pm AI World Plenary Sessions - View Details
11:00 am - 2:00 pm Concession Stand Open for Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Track Chair
John Desmond, Editor, AI Trends
1:15 Unchaining Growth from Cost with AI-Driven Automation
Adam Devine, Senior Vice President Marketing and Chief Evangelist,
AI in the Back Office: Integrating Machine Learning into Business Processes through Intelligent Automation
Nearly every enterprise business has spent millions of dollars trying to bring AI into operations through costly, risky third-party cloud-based
providers with flashy marketing, but few companies can show results. Why is it so difficult to match digital experience with digital operations? Why does it still take big data science teams and ML engineers to put AI to work? Thanks to advances
such as AutoML and the native pairing of AI with robotic process automation (RPA), reducing cost and cycle time and improving service deliver through AI is now possible without data science teams. In this session, you will learn:
- How the time-consuming work of data cleansing and model selection and training has been automated by AutoML
- What leading banks, insurance companies and healthcare organizations are doing with AI-driven intelligent automation
- Why putting AI to work within the back and middle office is critical to an enterprise’s survival
1:45 AI as a Strategic Enterprise Capability
Many organizations are failing to derive the full benefit of AI by viewing it through a narrow lens of either data science or technology. Wells Fargo shares its approach to transforming the customer experience, operations, and risk management through
a centralized cross-functional team that is accelerating the adoption of AI throughout the organization.
- How Wells Fargo has found success in deploying enterprise AI systems, from building the team and early lessons learned
- The details of the development of a centralized platform and how it can be applied to other organizations
- Specific business enterprise use cases in ML and NLP being deployed by Wells Fargo
Brian Pearce, Senior Vice President, Enterprise AI, Wells Fargo
Krish Swamy, Senior Vice President, Enterprise
Analytics and Data Science, Wells Fargo
2:15 PANEL: Leading Data Strategy and Culture in the Age of AI
In the age of data analytics, leaders are tasked with a critical role to bridge the age old culture with new age technologies in the disruptive times. A healthy, informed and trained data analytics leaders is a crucial role to safely grown an organization
through disruptive times. Learn from some leaders on how they are navigating the transformative times and use AI to not only build core competencies but also create a sustainable growth. Attend this panel of executive analytics officers of major
U.S. corporations and learn:
- What it takes to lead a data analytics practice in an organization in the times of AI
- Specific tactical steps tomorrow’s leader could use to build a healthy AI Analytics practice
- How to recruit AI in business practice in the age of disruptive times
Vishal Kumar, CEO, President, AnalyticsWEEK
Curt Savoie, Program Director, Global Smart Cities Strategies, IDC
Deeksha Joshi, Managing Director Corporate Strategy and Research,
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Bill Schrank, Senior Vice President,
Sales, AntWorks
3:00 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
3:45 Safety and Artificial Intelligence – Certification and Testing
Francis Govers III, Autonomy Lead, Bell Helicopter
Using AI algorithms and machine learning to enhance your business operations is one concept; however, the application of AI systems to safety-critical environments, such as complex autonomous ground and airborne vehicles, is also a reality. Hear how
Bell is working on plans to certify learning-capable AI systems for passenger-carrying vehicles and what opportunities this affords other high-risk applications.
Attendees will learn:
- What safety and certification standards apply to the deployment of AI systems
- What AI systems might become part of a transportation system, such as an autonomous flying taxi or cargo delivery drone?
- Methods being used to predict the performance of an AI system in advance, including failure modes, capability, and reliability.
4:15 Protecting Facebook Platform
Ser-Nam Lim, PhD, Research Manager, Facebook
Facebook is committed to ensure the safety of its platform. Images and videos are posted in large quantities daily, and the company is focused on protecting the integrity of these data. While Facebook can attempt to monitor and filter out harmful
content manually, it is clearly unscalable. One approach is to automate the understanding of image and video content, which in turn automates the detection of objectionable material. This talk focuses on the detection of harmful content, understanding
a poster’s intent across multiple modalities, and the prevailing modes of such adversarial attacks. Facebook also shares its thinking about defending the Facebook platform against these attacks.
5:10 - 5:30 Plenary Keynote Presentation - View Details
5:30 - 6:30 Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing