Moderator: Michele Goetz, Principal Analyst, Forrester
- Dr. William Mark, President, Information & Computing Sciences, SRI International
- Dany De Grave, Sr. Director Innovation Programs and External Networks, Sanofi Pasteur
According to Forrester’s data, thirty-one percent of business decision makers say, “AI is the human-like ability to perceive, learn, think, interact, and take actions”. To date, many of the most high-profile applications of AI have been used to mimic human behavior in custom-facing contexts, in bots and similar platforms. But the real promise of AI lies in driving deep business reinvention – and that means AI will dramatically reshape many core operating principles and processes: How firms acquire and develop technology, how roles and responsibilities are defined within the organization, how business partnerships are structured, even reinventing longstanding business models. Learn the new rules and strategies to make it and survive in the age of AI.